Where To Find Tengen Boss in Project Slayers (2024)

Project Slayers is one of the most popular Roblox games right now. To engage and entertain its players, the devs often release new updates adding new breathing, clans, bosses and more.

With update 1.5, the devs of Project Slayers have added four new bosses in Project Slayers — Tengen, Douma, Snow Trainee and Sound Trainee.

Since this post is all about the Tengen boss, we would not be talking about other boss locations here.

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Without any further ado, let’s get started:

Where to Find Tengen Boss in Project Slayers?

To find Tengen boss in Project Slayers, you need to open up the map first. Once opened, you need to unlock the Sound Cave area.

Once unlocked, head to the Horseman and get yourself teleported to the Sound Cave. Once you get there, you need to get out of the Cave and head towards the way leading to the right side of the area.

Also Read > How to Get Sound Breathing in Project Slayers

When you walk or run towards that area, you will find Tengen waiting for you. If he is not there, you will get notified when will Tengen spawn in Project Slayers.

Depending on the time, you need to wait for a while. Once the Tengen boss is spawned, you need to defeat him using breathing or abilities you have unlocked.

Once you have successfully defeated the Tengen boss in Project Slayers, it is likely that you will get a special move of Sound Breathing, 37.5% daily spins, 22.5% Ore, Tier 5 Chests and 15% String Performance.

Notably, the Tengen boss spawns after every 15 minutes.

That’s all you need to know about Tengen boss’ location in Project Slayers.

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