Arceus X iOS [v1.12] – How to Download & Use (April 2024)

Want to download Arceus X iOS on your phone? Well, we have written a step-by-step guide explaining how to download, install and use it on your iOS device.

After launching Arceus X for Mobile and PC, the devs of the executor have finally released its iOS version. Within a few minutes of being launched on the web, tons of iOS users downloaded Arceus X on their devices.

Unlike other iOS Roblox executors, Arceus X iOS is 100% free to download and use. Since downloading the Arceus X iOS version is a bit different than Android, many players are wondering how to use it.

With that in mind, we wrote a detailed guide explaining how to download and use Arceus X on iOS devices for free.

Without any further ado, let’s get started:

Arceus X iOS

Arceus X iOS Download Guide (2024)

A couple of ways can be used to install and use Arceus X on iOS but before you apply any of the following methods, click on the following button to download Arceus X’s iOS version.

When you try to download it from a different website, you might be asked to click on the Download button again and again.

Unlike those websites, we have provided a Mediafire link with a single click. When you click on the below button, you will be taken to the Mediafire page, where you can download the latest version of Arceus X iOS by clicking on the Download button.

How to Install & Use Arceus X on IOS Devices (2024)

Multiple ways can be used to install and use Arceus X on iOS devices. To make your work easier, we will explain a couple of methods here.

To know what those methods are and how they work, keep on reading.

Using eSign

To use Arceus X iOS using eSign, follow the steps written below:

  • First, download Arceus X iOS by clicking on the above button.
  • Once downloaded, go and download the ESign app.
  • After downloading the eSign app, open it.
  • Once opened, tap on the three dots located at the top right corner of the screen.
  • From the drop-down options, select ‘Import‘.
  • Now, go to the Download folder and select the downloaded file.
  • When you do so, a pop-up will appear asking you to Import.
  • Now, tap on the ‘Import’ option.
  • Once you have successfully imported the Arceus X executable file, tap on the Payload folder.
  • There, you need to click on the ‘Roblox app‘ and select Signature.
  • In a new window, tap on the ‘Signature’ option.
  • After that, you need to wait until the application’s packaging is done.
  • Once done, tap on the ‘Install’ button.
  • Once installed, launch the Roblox app, login and then exploit your favourite game.
  • That’s it.

Using Scarlet

To install Arceus X iOS using Scarlet, follow the steps written below:

  • First, download Arceus X iOS by clicking on the above button.
  • After that, download the Scarlet app.
  • After downloading this app, launch the Scarlet app.
  • Now, click on the Download icon located in the middle of the screen.
  • After that, go to the Download folder and then select the ‘Arceus X iOS’ executable file.
  • Once selected, click on the Download icon button.
  • When you do so, a pop-up will appear on the screen that says ‘’ would like to install “Roblox”.
  • Now, tap on the ‘Install’ button.
  • When you do so, you will have the Arceus X Roblox app installed on your device.
  • Now, go and launch the Roblox app and exploit your favourite game.
  • That’s it.

That’s all you need to know about how to download, install and use Arceus X iOS on your device.