Sol’s RNG Stella Star Quest Location (2024)

Are you looking for a Stella Star Quest location? If your answer is YES then look no further as we have you covered.

Sol’s RNG is a popular game on Roblox that has plenty of quests or missions to complete. The devs of this game keep adding new quests or NPCs to the game and they did the same with the latest update.

With the Era 5 update, the devs added a new NPC named Stella. When you find her, she will give you a quest to find Stella Star.

Ever since the new update was launched, a lot of players have been trying their luck to find Stella’s Star in Sol’s RNG.

While you are here, you might be one of those players. Don’t you? If that’s the case then don’t worry, you have come to the right place.

Without any further ado, let’s get started:

Where To Find Stella Star Quest Giver in Sol’s RNG

To get the Stella Star quest started in Sol’s RNG, you need to find the quest giver, Stella. Unfortunately, finding Stella in the game is not that easy.

However, if you follow the steps shown in the following video, you will find Stella in no time.

To find Stella in Sol’s RNG, you will have to get inside the waterfall. Since getting through the Waterfall is a bit tricky, you must watch the above embedded YouTube video carefully.

When you follow the steps correctly, you will find Stella. When you get there, she will ask you to find a Magical Ingredient that she lost while using teleportation magic.

When you manage to find Stella Star in Sol’s RNG, head back to Stella and interact with her. When you do so, she will open the portal.

That’s everything you need to know about how to find Stella Star quest giver in Sol’s RNG.

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