Crushon AI: How To Delete Character (2024)

Are you wondering How To Delete Character in Crushon AI? If yes then you are at the right place.

Crushon AI is an intriguing app that allows you to roleplay with character AI companions based on your preferences.

Users can create and personalize their AI characters according to their preferences, drawing inspiration from various sources like anime, comics, movies, TV shows, or stage performances. 

If you feel Stressed or Anxious, Let the character AI guide you through relaxation techniques, meditation, or simply lend a listening ear. 

Crushon AI also motivates you with self-improvement tips and positive affirmations.

For whatever is the reason if you want to Detete Character in Crushon AI, this guide is for you.

Why You Need To Delete The Chacrater in Crushon AI?

Deleting a character in Crushon AI can serve various purposes, and users might have different reasons for doing so. 

Here are some common scenarios where you might want to delete a character:

Character Overload: 

As a seasoned Crushon AI user, you might find yourself creating numerous characters. 

Keeping track of all these bots can become overwhelming. Deleting characters helps declutter your digital space and makes it easier to manage.

Chat History: 

Over time, you accumulate conversations with your characters. 

Removing a character allows you to clean up your chat history and focus on the ones that matter most.

Private Characters: 

While Crushon AI allows you to set characters as private (visible only to you), you might still have concerns about privacy. 

Deleting a character ensures that no traces of it remain associated with your account or real-life identity.

Starting A New: 

Perhaps you have outgrown a character or want to explore new ideas. 

Deleting an old character allows you to start fresh with a blank canvas.

Crushon AI How To Delete Character?

Unfortunately, the Crushon AI does not provide a direct “delete” option. 

But you can effectively remove a character using the following steps:

This comes from the users on Crushon AI forum:

  • Click the three dots in the top right corner of the screen.
  • Select “Start a New Chat.”
  • Choose “Delete and Start a New Chat” when prompted.
  • Don’t enter any messages in the new chat.
  • Exit the chat.
  • Click on your chat bubble and push delete.

Following these steps should result in the deletion of the character from your Crushon AI account. 

Remember, If you encounter any issues or this doent work you need to keep in mind this comes from an unknown user it is not the official way to delete character, as we mentioned earlier Crushon AI does not provide any direct option to Delete your Charcater.

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