Almost A Hero Artifact Guide (May 2024)

Almost a Hero is a popular idle role playing game (RPG) developed by Bee Square Games. 

It’s available on various platforms such as mobile devices iOS and Android as well as PC.

In Almost a Hero, players embark on an adventurous journey with a group of unlikely and inept heroes striving to become true heroes. 

The game humorously portrays these characters as almost heroes, each with their unique quirks and flaws.

Players recruit and manage a team of misfit heroes, each possessing their own distinct abilities and characteristics.

These heroes start off as clumsy and underpowered individuals but can be upgraded and equipped to become more formidable over time.

However, in this guide we will explain everything you need to know about Artifact in Almost a Hero.

What is Artifact in Almost a Hero?

In Almost a Hero, artifacts are special items or upgrades that provide significant bonuses and enhancements to your team of heroes. 

These artifacts play a crucial role in boosting the overall strength and capabilities of your heroes as you progress through the game.

Players can obtain artifacts through gameplay progression, completing quests, or through specific in game mechanics.

Common Artifacts:

Artifacts in Almost a Hero can be of different rarities: Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, or Legendary.

The rarity of an artifact is based on the type of bonuses it possesses. 

For instance, Common artifacts may contain bonuses that don’t have any caps. However, certain bonuses are exclusively found in Epic and Legendary artifacts.

The game provides a total of 40 artifact slots. 

At the beginning, you have access to 4 slots, but you can use Gems to unlock more slots. To open all artifact slots, you would need 7020 gems in total.

Mythical Artifacts:

Mythical Artifacts provide unique abilities and powers. 

They are crafted and upgraded using Mythstones, which are specific items in the game.

These artifacts are found in a separate tab from the regular artifacts, offering distinct abilities and gameplay advantages.

In the game, there are total of 27 mythical artifacts. 

To access these Mythical Artifact slots, players need to progress in Adventure Mode. 

The initial Mythical Artifact slot becomes available at stage 585, and the final slot unlocks at stage 3350.

Crafting a Mythical Artifact into each of these slots demands an increasing quantity of Mythstones, which are required items for their creation and enhancement.

Based on community data and consensus, the following mythical artifacts are considered universally among the best in Almost a Hero:

Custom Taillor: Custom Tailor is regarded as one of the top-scaling mythical artifacts in the game. 

It enhances the gold, health, and damage derived from your hero items by a base factor of x1.2, with an additional increase of +0.02 for every upgrade level.

Half Ring: The Half Ring is a mythical artifact that amplifies the damage inflicted by ring attacks on enemies.

As you level it up, the damage boost further increases. Additionally, it offers a 5% chance for ring attacks to cause bonus damage, which can also be a critical hit.

This artifact is an excellent choice, especially for players who enjoy actively engaging in combat using the ring. 

It scales well and proves beneficial for those who focus on utilizing ring attacks during gameplay.

Auto Transmuter: The Auto Transmuter feature triggers when the ring remains inactive for a short duration. 

After roughly 10 seconds of inactivity, defeated enemies will start dropping 27% more gold. 

Upgrading the Auto Transmuter raises the gold bonus and reduces the time required for the bonus to activate.

In contrast to the Half Ring, the Auto Transmuter is ideal for players who favor letting their heroes deal damage rather than engaging in combat themselves.

Free Exploiter: The Free Exploiter mythical artifact offers you the opportunity to occasionally receive the next hero or ring upgrade for free after you’ve initially upgraded them using gold. 

Depending on your luck with these chances, this artifact can significantly ease the process of advancing through stages by reducing upgrade costs.

Life Boat: The Life Boat mythical artifact increases the effectiveness of core bonuses present on your health artifacts. For every 500 Total artifact levels you accumulate, it adds 1% (+1%) additional health gained from these core bonuses.

These were some useful and important Mythical Artifacts.

And thats all in this guide about the Artifacts in Almost a Hero Game.

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