All Toilet Tower Defense Firework Locations (2024)

Are you struggling to find Fireworks in Toilet Tower Defense? If your answer is YES then look no further as we have got you covered.

The devs of Toilet Tower Defense have just dropped the New Year update. With this update, they added a bunch of events including the Firework Hunt.

In the Firework Hunt event in Toiet Tower Defense, players are asked to find 10 fireworks in three different locations — Lobby, Trading Plaza and Matches.

In Matches, Fireworks spawn in specific waves or maps. To know where to find all Fireworks in Toilet Tower Defense, keep on reading.

Without any further ado, let’s get started:

How to Find All Fireworks in Toilet Tower Defense (2024)

As mentioned above, you will have to find 10 Fireworks in three different places — Lobby, Trading Plaza and Matches. Since their location is hidden and difficult to discover easily, we decided to showcase their location separately.

In this guide, we will explain where all Fireworks are located in Toilet Tower Defense in all three places. To make your work easier, we will explain each place’s location separately.

Lobby Firework Locations in Toilet Tower Defense

Here’s where to find all Lobby Fireworks in Toilet Tower Defense:

NoFirework NamesFirework Location
1Spawn FireworkIt can be found at the Spawn Fountain
2Snowman FireworkIt is located at the top of the Snowman
3Tree FireworkIt is located at the Tree located front of the Summon Unit
4Rock FireworkIt can be found beside the Rocks kept near the Christmas Tree
5Snow FireworkIt is located on the right side of the Summon Unit
6Dumpster FireworkIt is located behind the Dustbin located on the right side of the Summon Unit
7Telephone Pole FireworkIt is located behind the Toilet City
8Pillar FireworkIt is located behind the first Red Toilet Lab Pillar from the left side.
9Scientist FireworkIt is located in the Summon Unit Section where NPC is seen standing
10Building FireworkIt is located behind buildings located behind the Cameraman HQ

When you find these 10 Fireworks in Toilet Tower Defense, you will have Sneaky Cameraman unlocked.

Trading Plaza Firework Locations in Toilet Tower Defense

Here’s where to find all Fireworks in the Trading Plaza of Toilet Tower Defense:

NoFirework NamesIt is located on the Railing installed on the stairs.
1Bush FireworkIt is located beneath the Fountain located in the middle of the Trading Plaza
2Fountain FireworkIt is located beneath the Fountain located in the middle of the Trading Plaza
3Bench FireworkIt is located on a bench located on the left side of the Fountain
4Crate FireworkIt can be found in the crate which is located on the far right side of the Fountain
5Rail FireworkTo find this firework, go inside the building located on the left side of the Lobby Tunnel.
6Dirt FireworkIt can be found in the Dirt.
7Concrete FireworkIt is located near the Brick Wall Building. To know how to get there, watch the following YT video.
8Metal FireworkIt is located behind the Lobby Tunnel.
9Brick FireworkIt can be found behind a brick wall located behind the Lobby Tunnel.
10Underground FireworkIt is located beneath the Brick Wall Building. To know how to get there, watch the following YT video.

When you collect 20 Fireworks in Toilet Tower Defense, you will have a Hunter Cameraman obtained.

Matches Firework Locations In Toilet Tower Defense

Here’s how to find all Firework in Toilet Tower Defense matches:

NoFirework NameFirework Locations
1Road FireworkIn Toilet City, it will spawn on the Street.
2Toxic FireworkIn Desert, you need to find it in the Sand.
3Sand FireworkIt spawns at Palm Paradise in Hard Mode on Forgot Wave.
4Coconut FireworkIt spawns at Palm Paradise mode at Wave 18 hanging from the Palm Tree in the middle.
5Barrel FireworkIn Toilet Lab, it spawns in Medium Mode on Wave 4 next to the Barrel located near the Rock Wall.
6Glass FireworkIt spawns on Cameraman HQ in easy mode on Wave 8 in Toxic Puddle.
7Mountain FireworkIt can be found at the North Pole.
8Firework PackIn the Desert, you need to find it in the Sand.
9Triple FireworkIn Toilet HQ, Nightmare mode, it can be found at Wave 37
10Firework PackIn the Desert, you need to find it in the Sand.

That’s all you need to know about how to find all Fireworks in Toilet Tower Defense:

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