Our list of Paragon codes Roblox is updated and it contains all the latest codes that can be redeemed right now.
When you successfully redeem codes in Paragon, you will receive rewards like Gems, Cultivators, Normal Lucky Potions and other in-game items.
Since Paragon is all about collecting new characters and leading them into battle, you must have stunning skills to dominate enemies.
To get and upgrade skills in this Roblox game, you must have plenty of items. Since obtaining items in Paragon takes a lot of time, I advise you to redeem the following codes.
The only downside of these codes is they have an expiration date. If you don’t redeem them in a given time, you would not get any rewards.
To make your work easier, we test and verify every code we update on our website and we did the same with the following Paragon codes.
However, if there is any invalid or outdated code available in the following list, do let us know in the comment section below so we can remove them from the list.
Without any further ado, let’s get started:
All Paragon Codes List (2025)
Active Paragon Codes
- LIKEITUP – Redeem for free rewards (NEW!)
- PATCHEDUP – Redeem for free rewards (NEW!)
- DAILIESFIXED – Redeem for free rewards (NEW!)
- S0FTL0CKS – Redeem for free rewards (NEW!)
- TYFOR1KLIKES –— Redeem for free rewards (NEW!)
- BLACKBOX — Redeem for 2k Gems/3 Cultivators/3 Normal Lucky Potions (NEW!)
- StressTest — Redeem for free rewards
- SUB2INFERNASU — Redeem for free rewards
- K1LLUAA — Redeem for free rewards
- Dexerius — Redeem for free rewards
- gorblejuice — Redeem for free rewards
- borjal — Redeem for free rewards
- KAHAEL — Redeem for free rewards
- Narutorobert — Redeem for free rewards
- Keinsei — Redeem for free rewards
- yayafino — Redeem for free rewards
- Mirzoldyc — Redeem for free rewards
- Zartania — Redeem for free rewards
- Ettheking — Redeem for free rewards
As soon as we come across more working codes, we will add them here.
Expired Paragon Codes
- There are no expired codes yet!
Here are some basic questins and answers related to the game.
Q1. How to Redeem Codes in Paragon Roblox?
Ans: Redeeming codes in Paragon is a bit different than other Roblox games. Like Mobile games, players are required to complete tutorial to unlock the code redemption system.
When you complete the tutorial in Paragon, you will have the Main Hub unlocked. Once it is unlocked, go there, find the CODES NPC, which can be found on the right side of the Summon Area.
Once found, interact with the NPC and then select YES when prompted. Once done, copy and paste a working code into the text box.
Onec done, hit the Redeem button to claim your rewards.
Q2. How Do I Get More New Codes?
Ans: Obtainign new codes for Paragon Roblox is very simple. All you need to do is follow the devs of the game on social media platforms like Twitter, Discord and Facebook.
When you follow them and turn on their notifications, you will get notified when they drop new codes.
Q3. Is There Any Paragon Roblox Script?
Ans: No, there currently are no workign scripts available for Roblox Paragon. As soon as we come across a working script, we will update this post with the script.