Do you want to unlock Limbo World in Pet Simulator X? If your answer is YES then look no further as we have got you covered.
The devs of Pet Simulator X release a new update every week adding new worlds to explore, eggs to hatch, and pets to collect.
The latest world that has been added to Pet Simulator X is Limbo World. Ever since the new update was launched, a lot of players have been having a hard time unlocking Limbo World in Pet Sim X.
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If you too are one of them then look no further as we have a step-by-step guide explaining the entire process in the easiest way possible.
Without any further ado, let’s get started:
Unlocking Limbo World In Pet Simulator X
To unlock Limbo world in Pet Simulator X, you need to unlock The Void area first. If you already have it unlocked, head into that area.
Once you have been teleported to The Void area, head towards the Hardcord Mode building. When you get close to that building, you will see a sign board saying ‘To Limbo’.
You need to keep going in that direction. When you reach the end of that way, you will see a boulder.
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After getting there, you have to press E to get inside the Portal. When you do so, you will be teleported to the Limbo World in Pet Simulator X.
If you still are having trouble unlocking the newly launched Limbo World in PSX, watch the following YouTube video.
The above embedded YouTube video has showcased the entire process of unlocking the Limbo world.
That’s all you need to know about how to get the Limbo World in Pet Simulator X.