Kage Tycoon Codes (2024)

Our list of Roblox Kage Tycoon codes is updated and it contains all the latest working codes that you can redeem right now.

Before I unleash the list of Roblox Kage Tycoon codes, let me tell you that this Roblox game is all about selecting Kage’s home, upgrading it to unlock new features and equipping the best weapons to fight and defeat your opponents.

Since the process of unlocking new features and earning money takes a lot of time, a lot of players often search for Kage Tycoon codes to make it easier.

While you are here, you must be looking for active Kage Tycoon codes. Don’t you? If your answer is YES then don’t worry, we will not only provide a list of codes but also explain how to redeem them and earn free rewards.

Without any further ado, let’s get started:

All Kage Tycoon Codes List (2024)

Active Kage Tycoon Codes

Here’s a full list of codes to redeem in Roblox Kage Tycoon:

  • 25klikes – Redeem code for free rewards (NEW!)
  • LikePizza! – Redeem code for 7.5K RC
  • NewInsect! – Redeem code for a Luck Boost and a RC Boost
  • 20Klikes! – Redeem for 10K RC, a Money Boost and a Luck Boost
  • newSeason! – Redeem for a 15KRC & Money Boost
  • RebirthPass! – Redeem for a RC BOOST
  • bigEventSoon! – Redeem for a Luck Boost & RC BOOST
  • beReady! – Redeem for a Luck Boost & a Money Boost
  • newSeasonSoon! – Redeem for 5000$ & RC Boost
  • 15Klikes! – Redeem for $10,000 & 1500RC
  • TenseiMode! Redeem for a RC Boost & Money Boost
  • NewNamikaze! – Redeem for free rewards
  • 1mvisits! – Redeem for 1000RC, a RC Boost and an Exp Boost
  • TenseiMode! – Redeem for an Exclusive Luck Boost
  • 600Kvisits! – Redeem for 1500RC, Limited Money Boost, and Limited EXP Boost
  • season1! – Redeem for $10,000 and 2000RC

Notably, all Kage Tycoon codes that we have mentioned above were 100% working at the time of writing this post. However, if you find any of them are either invalid or expired, do let us know so we can remove them from the list.

As soon as the devs drop new codes for their game, we will update this post with new codes.

Expired Kage Tycoon Codes

The following codes have been expired:

  • There are no expired codes yet!


In the FAQ section, we try to answer all basic questions related to the game.

Q1. How to Redeem Codes in Kage Tycoon?

Ans: Redeeming codes in Roblox Kage Tycoon is pretty easy. All you need to do is follow the steps written below:

  • First, visit Roblox.com or search for Kage Tycoon.
  • After that, click on the Play button to load the game.
  • Once the game is loaded, click on the Shopping Cart button from the side screen.
  • Now, enter a working code into the text box.
  • Once entered, hit the Redeem button.
  • That’s it.

Q2. How to Get More New Codes?

Ans: To get more new codes for Roblox Kage Tycoon, you need to follow the game developers on social media platforms. Otherwise, visit this page from time to time as we update this post with new codes when they are out.

Q3. Are There Any Kage Tycoon Scripts?

Ans: There are numerous Kage Tycoon scripts that can be found on the internet. After searching for it on Google, you can copy and download the latest Kage Tycoon script.

Notably, using this script could lead to your Roblox account ban or suspension.

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