How to Fix the Amazon Kids Registration Error (2024)

Are you facing the Amazon Kids registration error? If your answer is YES then don’t worry you are not alone.

Amazon Kids is the only kid-focused content service with thousands of ad-free and age-appropriate books, games, videos, music, apps, and Alexa Skills, from trusted brands like Disney, Nickelodeon, Marvel, Lego, Sesame Street, and PBS Kids.

To activate the service user needs to purchase the subscription.

Unfortunately, some users are encountering issues while trying to log in to their Amazon Kids account and getting the registration error.

This is a very frustrating error because it prevents users from using the Amazon Kids services.

If you are also getting the Amazon Kids registration error, you are in the right place.

In this guide, you’ll learn what are the possible reasons for getting the Amazon Kids registration error and how to fix it.

Reasons For Getting Amazon Kids Registration Error

There may be plenty of reasons why you are facing the Amazon Kids registration error. Some of the most common reasons are:

  • Incorrect login credentials.
  • Issues with your internet connection.
  • Outdated version of the Amazon app or device software.
  • Issues with the server.

Irrespective of the reasons why you are getting the Amazon Kids registration error, you can fix it using the methods below.

So without any further ado let’s get started:

How to Fix the Amazon Kids Registration Error?

Here are some troubleshooting methods that will help you resolve the Amazon Kids registration error.

Restart the Device

Most of the time users are encountering this type of error because of the technical bugs and glitches present in the app and their devices.

Fortunately, these glitches are temporary and not hard to fix, all you have to do is restart the app and your device.

So before you start troubleshooting this error using any complex method try restarting the Amazon app.

If restarting the app does not fix your problem, you should consider restarting your device as well.

If you are facing the issue on Fire tablet then you can shut down it by pressing and holding the power button until you see the shutdown request message.

Select OK and your device is shut down completely. Now press and hold the power button again for 2 to 3 seconds to turn it back.

Now, launch the Amazon app to check if the error is fixed or not. if not then continue with another method.

Check Your Internet Connection

Amazon Kids Registration Error

Sometimes users encounter issues because of the slow and unstable internet connection.

If restarting the app and device does not fix your problem, it must be your internet connection that causing the issue.

In that case, you should check your internet connection and apply suitable troubleshooting steps.

To check the internet connection, perform a speed test using the internet speed testers available on the internet.

Double-check the Login Credentials

You may be encountering the registration error and unable to log in or register because you have entered the login credentials incorrectly.

To register your Amazon Kids account make sure to enter the correct login credentials.

Update the Device Software

If your device has updates available and you are running the older version of the system software then it must be the reason why you are encountering the Amazon Kids registration error.

In that case, updating the device to the latest version will possibly fix your problem.

If you are using the Fire Tablet then you can manually update the device system software using these steps:

  • To install the latest version of the system software on your Fire Tablet first you need to download software updates onto a desktop computer. You can find the latest versions here.
  • Once you download the software updates, connect your Fire tablet to your computer using the included charging cable.
  • Swipe down from the top of your Fire tablet screen and tap on the USB charging notification, select Transfer files.
Amazon Kids Registration Error
  • Open the “Fire” device drive on your computer, then drag and drop the software update file into the Internal storage folder.
  • After the file transfer is complete, disconnect the charging cable from your device and your computer.
  • Now, open the Settings menu on your Fire tablet and select Device Options.
  • Select System Updates.
Amazon Kids Registration Error
  • Then select Update.
  • Once you do that, your Fire tablet restarts, and the “Installing system update” message appears on the screen.
  • Wait for the installation process to be completed and check if the error is fixed.
  • That’s it.

Contact Customer Support

If you have tried everything but still facing the registration error, the last thing you can do is contact Amazon Kids’ Support for expert assistance.

That’s all you need to know about how to fix the Amazon Kids registration error.

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