How to Fix Manor Lords Homelessness Bug (May 2024)

Are you facing the Manor Lords Homelessness bug? If your answer is YES, you are in the right place.

Manor Lords is a medieval city-builder and real-time tactics video game developed by Greg Styczeń from Slavic Magic and published by Hooded Horse.

Since this game was released, players have rushed to play this game to create their dream settlements.

However, this game appears to be smooth and bug-free but sometimes players encounter some issues.

Currently, some players are facing the Homelessness bug. Due to this bug, there are homeless in players’ villages even when housing is available.

This issue not only affects the overall happiness and well-being of your settlement but can also hinder its growth and development.

However, if you are facing the same problem, don’t worry as we have got you covered.

In this guide, you’ll learn how to fix the Manor Lords Homelessness bug.

So, without any further ado let’s get started:

How to Fix the Manor Lords Homelessness Bug?

If you are facing the homelessness problem the best solution is to make new houses for them and let them move into it.

But if you have an available house but still facing the homelessness problem, you can fix it by using the methods below.

Make Sure to Have House Without Family

Manor Lords Homelessness Bug

Sometimes players encounter the homelessness problem in Manor Lords because there are families in the houses they made for homeless people.

In that case, you need to make sure that houses are empty and no family is living inside so that homeless people move in.

To do that, move the families available in the houses somewhere else and let the homeless people move into empty houses.

This will decrease the ratio of homelessness in your settlement

Don’t Upgrade Homeless Camp Into A Worker’s Camp

Manor Lords Homelessness Bug

After building houses for homeless people you have to wait for them to move into these houses before upgrading their camps into worker’s camps.

If you upgrade the camp into a worker’s camp, it must be the reason why you are facing the Manor Lords Homelessness bug.

Relaunch the Game

Sometimes players are encountering the Manor Lords Homelessness bug because of the technical glitches.

If you have done everything right to decrease the homelessness ratio but still facing the issue, you should try relaunching the game.

To do that, save the game and then close it completely.

Manor Lords Homelessness Bug

Now wait for a few minutes, relaunch the game, and load the previously saved game.

This will resolve all glitches present in the game and your homelessness bug will be resolved.

Wait For The Homeless to Move Into A Home

Once you build the homes for homeless people in Manor Lords, it will take some time to move them into a home.

So, after building the homes wait for some time until the homeless people move into their new homes.

Delete the Homeless Camp

Once all homeless people move into a home you should delete the homeless camps to prevent the Manor Lords Homelessness bug from happening again.

After applying all of these methods you need to keep an eye on the homelessness levels and approval rating.

Homelessness levels should gradually decrease as families settle into their new houses.

If you are still facing the Manor Lords Homelessness bug, your saved files might be corrupted.

In that case, the only option is to start a completely new game from scratch.

That’s all, we hope this guide helps you fix the Manor Lords Homelessness bug.

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