Where to Find the Crashed Star Destroyer in LEGO Fortnite (2024)

Want to find the Crashed Star Destroyer in LEGO Fortnite? If your answer is YES, you are in the right place.

Lego Fortnite is an open-world survival video game, developed and published by Epic Games in association with The Lego Group.

This is a fun game played by thousands of players worldwide.

However, to make the game more interesting Epic Games will provide quests that players will complete.

This is a Star War-themed quest in which players find the crash site of the Imperial Star Destroyer.

As you complete this quest you will be rewarded with 515 studs that can be used to level up your LEGO Pass: Rebel Adventure to earn build rewards.

In this guide, we will show you where to find the Crashed Star Destroyer in LEGO Fortnite.

So without any further ado let’s get started:

Where to Find the Crashed Star Destroyer in LEGO Fortnite?

As soon as you go further into the LEGO Fortnite game will will see several ships appear in the sky including Star Destroyer.

However, after loading into the game you will hear the rift in the sky.

This rift sound is from Imperial Star Destroyer which comes into your game hosting an epic space battle.

After that one of the ship’s engines catches fire leading the Imperial Star Destroyer to crash somewhere into the island.

After the crash, you will see the black smoke coming out of the crash site.

The crash site is not shown on the map you have to follow the direction of the smoke to reach the site.

However, it’s not probably smart to run right at the crash. Imperials will be crawling all over, with the Empire setting up camps to protect its goodies.

So the first thing you need to do is head to the Rebel Base after getting your Macrobinoculars.

Rebels will give you some quests to complete and as a reward, you will get the Lightsaber.

Once you have the Lightsaber, take your vehicle and head towards the crash site.

Make sure not to walk to the crash site because it will be a very long road.

Once you reach the site you will see the stormtroopers who might threaten you at the site.

You need to defeat all of these enemies. In this location, you will find Start War-themed chests, which might have some good loot.

That’s it this is where you can find the Crashed Star Destroyer in LEGO Fortnite.

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