Dragon’s Dogma 2: How do Pawns Work (2024)

Pawns in the Dragon’s Dogma series are a crucial companion that gives you the feeling of playing a multiplayer game. They’re AI companions created by other players. In this guide we share all about Dragon’s Dogma 2: How do Pawns Work.

If you are also looking out to know about Dragon’s Dogma 2: How do Pawns Work? Here is all about it. Pawns are immortal characters that can travel between realms and their existence is to serve the true Arisen. These pawns can help Arisen(You) in combat, exploration, and even quests.

The first pawn created will stick with you to the end. So grant them a sturdy good-looking personality with a name as this can give you bonus points.

All About Dragon’s Dogma 2: How do Pawns Work

Dragon's Dogma 2

Once your ultimate companion is designed choose their inclination.

There are four pawn inclinations:

  • Kindhearted: These pawns prioritise support and holding off enemies.
  • Calm: These pawns prioritise defence and evasion.
  • Simple: Pawns that love exploration and item gathering.
  • Straightforward: These pawns excel at spotting enemies and rushing into battle without fear.

The inclination you choose for your main pawn is up to you. However, to add balance to your party choose pawns with different inclinations. If you wish to change your pawn’s inclination you can do so.

You can buy Rift Incense which lets you alter your pawn’s inclination for 2,000 RC from a merchant called Neomith.

Side Pawns

You can also hire Side Pawns at the Rift Stone up to a four-member party. These Side Pawns will travel alongside you till you dismiss them. These side pawns are the main pawns of other Dragon’s Dogma 2 players.

As these pawns can not level up in combat or rank up their vocation it’s best to switch out your side pawns and recruit pawns from other players. They can also carry items needed for exploring.

Recruit Pawns in Dragon’s Dogma 2

Recruit Pawns

Hiring pawns is done through Rift Stones. You will find them scattered in the open world and settlements and cities. The ones found in the wild need to be activated, while the ones found in towns, villages, and cities will always be active.

Steps to hire a pawn:

  • Interact with a Rift Stone and enter the pawn Rift.
  • Approach and examine the pawn you wish to recruit.
  • Start a dialogue with them.
  • Select the hire option.
  • You will have to pay an appropriate RC or Rift Crystal value.
  • Once you’ve hired your pawns leave the Rift.
  • You will be transported back with your hired pawns.

Pawn Types in Dragon’s Dogma 2

Pawns have several characteristics that can be customized to make them unique. These are pawn vocations, inclinations, and specializations. Available pawn vocations include:

  • Fighter: A shield frontline.
  • Archer: A ranged DPS.
  • Mage: A healer and master of AOE spells.
  • Thief: A skirmisher expert in taking out monsters.
  • Warrior: A two-handed brute.
  • Sorcerer: A mage absorbed in offensive AOE magic.

Finally, there are pawn specializations to give them new abilities. These special pawn skills can be acquired as you complete main and side quests.

Best Pawns in Dragon’s Dogma 2

Best pawns

There are two best pawns in Dragon’s Dogma 2: The Kindhearted Chirurgeon Mage and the Straightforward Fighter.

Kindhearted Chirurgeon Mage: Kindhearted pawns will prioritize healing you and other pawns with Anodyne. Chirurgeon allows them to use curatives on the player. The mage is the best pawn to have as a main as they can heal.

Straightforward Fighter: They’ll run into battle, drawing aggro with Shield Summons and forcing the enemy to attack them. Be sure to pick up defensive augments for shields to ensure their survival.

How to Upgrade Pawns in Dragon’s Dogma 2

The main pawns can level up alongside you. They can also rank up their Vocation like you. Therefore you can customize them in the following ways:

Vocation Upgrades: You can buy weapon skills for your pawns with discipline points that you have earned in combat. You can also buy and upgrade their existing skills or pick up new ones at Inns or Vocation guilds.

Gear: When you buy gear for yourself you can also do the same for your pawn. If the vocation mark on a piece of gear, matches your pawn’s vocation, buy it for them.

Specializations: Look for new specializations to grant your pawns new abilities in combat and exploration.

Quest Knowledge: Your pawns can bring back knowledge of new quests and secrets that they will learn about passively as other players hire them.

Steps To Send Pawns on Quests in Dragon’s Dogma 2

Pawn Quests

Pawn Quests are special tasks you assign to your pawns to complete in other players’ world.

  • The first one is for your pawn to travel with another player for a day in return you will receive a Wakestone Shard. After this quest is completed you can set more advanced quests:
  • Have your pawn defeat a specific boss.
  • You can also have your pawn ask other players for a specific item.
  • Have your pawn gain knowledge of a specific quest.

Pawn quests are set at Rift Stones.

Pawn Commands in Dragon’s Dogma 2

Pawn Commands in Dragon’s Dogma 2 are activated with the D-pad on PS5 or with your specific keyboard bindings on PC.

Go!”: This command directs your pawns to attack in combat. It also orders your pawns to gather resources or guide you to specific secrets or quests when they prompt you.
To me!”: Commands the pawns to fight at your side in combat or out of it.
Wait!”: Instruct the pawns to remain until another command is given.
Help!”: Commands pawns to prioritize support and Arisen recovery.

That’s all about Dragon’s Dogma 2: How Do Pawns Work

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