Top 10 Best PDF Drive Alternatives (May 2024)

Are you looking for PDF Drive Alternatives? If your answer is YES then look no further as we got you covered.

PDF Drive is the platform where you can search and download different PDFs. Currently, over 75 Million eBooks, magazines, articles, and more are available on this platform and the number is continuously increasing.

All content on PDF Drive is organized into different categories so that users will find the content easily.

Also Read > PDF Drive Not Downloading Fix

On PDF Drive, you can preview the PDF you want and download it for free you don’t need to pay for subscriptions.

However, if you are looking for websites similar to PDF Drive then you are in the right place. Below we have listed the top 10 PDF Drive alternatives that you can visit and download the desired PDFs.

So, without any further ado let’s get started,

Top 10 PDF Drive Alternatives List (2024)

Here is the list of the top 10 PDF Drive alternatives that you can try.

  1. BookBoon
  2. ManyBooks
  3. Smashwords
  4. Authorama
  5.  Booknet.Com
  6. Librivox
  7. ReadPrint
  8. Open Library
  9. Open Culture
  10. Internet Archive

1. BookBoon

PDF Drive Alternatives

The first PDF Alternative is BookBoon. It is a platform for students who want to download academic books for free.

On BookBoon, you can find books in different categories including engineering, IT, and other categories.

BookBoon currently has more than 10k books available on it and most of them are written by reputed academic professors.

The BookBoon only allows you to read and download books from different others but also allows you to become another and write informative books that will help other users to gain knowledge.

And the best part of this platform is you don’t need to register yourself on the platform, all you have to do is enter your email address and start downloading the books and other documents you need.

2. ManyBooks

PDF Drive Alternatives

The second best alternative to PDF Drive is ManyBooks. It is a very amazing platform that allows users to access its huge collection of books for free.

Unlike BookBoon to access the collection of books on ManyBooks you have to register yourself and start downloading the books.

ManyBooks not only allows its users to download books but also allows them to give reviews after reading the specific book.

3. Smashwords

PDF Drive Alternatives

The third PDF alternative is Smashwords. It has a huge collection of books that users can access for free.

It allows users to download most of the books for free and to download the rest of the books you have to spend a small amount of money.

On Smashwords, you can download books in various formats including EPUB, KINDLE, PDF, and RTF.

4. Authorama

PDF Drive Alternatives

Another good alternative to PDF Drive is Authorama. It is an amazing platform that provides a variety of books from different authors.

The best part of this platform is some books are available in English and also available in German.

This platform allows its users to read books without downloading them and share them with their friends as well.

All books available on Authorama are public so there is no need to fear about copy rights.


PDF Drive Alternatives

If you are a beginner or just start reading books then this platform is for you. Generally, a reader who just started reading books does not have much information about books and they are confused about choosing the best book o start reading.

On all books are categorized based on popularity, type, and number of sales which will help new readers to decide which book to start with.

To start reading and downloading the books on all you have to do is register yourself by providing basic information.

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