User Not Found K Drama: Cast & Summary (2024)

User Not Found K Drama is a 2021 South Korean series that was produced by Sung Do Kyung and directed by Min JiYoung, Im MinYoung. It comprises of 22 Episodes. It is a growing teen romance drama that has the concept of identity swaps or hidden identities.

User Not Found

User Not Found K Drama Cast

The lead actors in the romantic drama are CIX’s Bae JinYoung, Shin SoHyun, and Han YeJi.

User Not Found Summary

User Not Found K Drama is a story of two female students who share the same name. They both transfer to a new school at the same time wishing to turn their lives around. The series has the lead actresses swapping identities by forging a secret contract.

Yoo Min Jae (Shin So Hyun) is a 17-year-old high schooler who has been an outsider. Min Jae has always wished to be popular and join the “popular group” at school, but it has always eluded her. She meets Han Ye Ji who shares her name in the new school and realises that their fates are opposite.

Yoo Min Jae (Shin So Hyun)

Yoo Min Jae(Han Ye Ji) has always been popular in her school. However, due to an incident in the past, she was hurt by her friends. Now she wishes to avoid the spotlight and lead a quieter life. Both the girls decide to swap identities so they can both start afresh.

Yoo Min Jae(Han Ye Ji)

Shin Yi Joon is also a popular student at his high school. Although he seems aloof, Shin Yi Joon is a huge softie on the inside. He even has a hard time saying no to other people.

Bae Jin Young as Shin Yi Joon

The rumours about him being a flirt spread through the school as he not good at rejecting advances. He does not bother to explain the truth to anyone. Through an incident that happened long ago between him and MinJae, gossip arises and he feels that MinJae is trying to use him. As Yoo Min Jae (Shin So Hyun) starts getting to know him, she realizes that he has a soft personality.

Where Can You Watch User Not Found

The swap initially seems to have gone well. But can MinJae finish her school life without being caught by anyone? Is her namesake’s motives for the swap as pure as she suggests? This and many more questions will be answered in this web drama available to watch on YouTube as well as Viki with English Subtitles.

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