Master Ascend Origin Gift Codes (October 2024)

Our list of Master Ascend Origin codes is updated and it contains all the latest codes that can be redeemed right now.

Unlike other games, Master Ascend Origin codes have an expiration date making it difficult for players to get their hands on new codes.

To make your work easier, we test and verify every code we update on our website we did the same with these codes.

When you redeem these codes in Master Ascend Origin, you will get many free in-game rewards like Magic Chest, Exp, Gold Coins, and more.

Master Ascend Origin is a popular Pokemon mobile game developed by HO Yuet Wa. In this game, you have to capture and build your Pokemon team and fight with other players.

If you are new to Master Ascend Origin and want to get some freebies to boost your game progress then you must redeem these codes as quickly as possible.

We also cover all popular Mobile game codes on our website for mobile game lovers. If you are one of them and want to get those codes then visit our codes section by clicking here.

Without any further ado, let’s get started:

All Master Ascend Origin Codes List 2024

Active Master Ascend Origin Codes

Here are all active and working Master Ascend Origin codes:

  • MondayGift0417 – Redeem this code and get free rewards.
  • GiftFromAMPAS – Redeem this code and get free rewards.
  • GiftFromAsh – Redeem this code and get free rewards.
  • GiftFromMisty – Redeem this code and get free rewards.
  • GiftFromBrock – Redeem this code and get free rewards.
  • DROAKSGIFT – Redeem this code and get free rewards.
  • NEWBIEGIFT4U – Redeem this code and get free rewards.

Notably, all codes mentioned above were 100% working at the time of writing this post because we checked the validity of all codes before adding them to our list.

However, if you find any code that is expired or invalid in the list then please let us know in the comment section so we remove them from our list.

Expired Master Ascend Origin Codes

The following codes are no longer working:



Here are some basic questions related to the game and their answers.

How To Redeem Codes In Master Ascend Origin?

The code redemption process of Master Ascend Origin is pretty simple. Those who don’t know the process must follow the steps written below:

Master Ascend Origin Gift Codes
  • Like other mobile games, you need to complete the game tutorial to unlock the code redemption system.
  • Once you successfully completed the game tutorial, go to the Main Screen on the screen.
  • After that, click on the Settings or Gear Icon located at the bottom left side of the screen.
  • Then click on the Gift Code button.
  • Now, copy a working code from the above list and paste it into the Textbox.
  • Once done, click on the Tick Mark button to collect free rewards.
  • That’s it.

How To Get More Codes For Master Ascend Origin?

To get more codes for Master Ascend Origin, you need to follow the game developers on social media platforms. When you follow them on social media, you will get notified when they release new codes.

Otherwise, visit this page from time to time as we update this page with new codes when they are out.

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