How To Fix VLOOKUP Not Working (2024)

Are you facing the problem of VLOOKUP Not Working? If yes then don’t worry you are at the right place.

The VLOOKUP function in Excel is used to search for a specific value within a column and then return a value from a different column in the same row. 

This function is particularly useful for tasks such as data analysis, reporting, and managing large sets of information.

However, many users are facing the problem of VLOOKUP Not Working.

Here are some common error people face in VLOOKUP:

  • #N/A: This error appears when the lookup value is not found in the table.
  • #VALUE!: This error usually comes when the value in the lookup column is not a number.
  • #REF!: This error appears when the table array or the column index number is not valid.
  • #NAME?: This error appears when the function name is misspelled or invalid.

In this guide i’m going to show you some effective solutions to resolve this problem.

How To Fix VLOOKUP Not Working

Here are some steps you can take to resolve the issues:

Check for Typographical Errors: 

Make sure that there are no typos or spelling mistakes in the lookup value, table array, or any other arguments within the VLOOKUP formula.

Even a small mistake can cause the function to return an error.

Ensure that the lookup value specified in the VLOOKUP formula exactly matches the value you intend to search for. 

Even a minor difference, such as a trailing space, can lead to a mismatch.

Additionally, make sure the range_lookup argument is set to FALSE for an exact match. 

If omitted, it defaults to TRUE, which may not work with unsorted data.

Verify Data Types: 

Make sure that the data types of the lookup value and the values in the first column of the table array match. 

For example, if the lookup value is a number, the values in the first column of the table array should also be numbers.

Numbers formatted as text or vice versa can cause errors. 

Make sure consistent formatting or use the TRIM function to remove extra spaces.

Verify Data Sorting (for Approximate Match): 

If you are using approximate match (range_lookup set to TRUE or omitted), ensure that the first column of the table array is sorted in ascending order. 

VLOOKUP requires sorted data for approximate matches to work correctly.

Additionally, VLOOKUP cannot look to the left. 

The lookup column must be the leftmost column in the table_array. 

If not, consider using INDEX and MATCH functions instead.

Column Insertion:

The col_index_num doesn’t adjust automatically if columns are added or removed. 

Use the MATCH function to dynamically find the correct column index.

Check for Exact Match (for Exact Match): 

If you are using an exact match (range_lookup set to FALSE), verify that the lookup value exactly matches a value in the first column of the table array. 

If no exact match is found, VLOOKUP will return an #N/A error.

Additionally, Double-check that the reference ranges used in the VLOOKUP formula are correct. 

If the table array reference or column index number is incorrect, the function will not return the expected result.

Table Reference Lock: 

If you are copying the VLOOKUP formula across cells, make sure to lock the table_array reference by using absolute cell references (e.g., $A$1:$B$10).

Instead of using cell references directly in the VLOOKUP formula, consider defining named ranges for the lookup value, table array, and other relevant ranges. 

Named ranges can make formulas easier to understand and maintain.

Additionally, If there are duplicate entries in the lookup column, VLOOKUP will only return the first match. 

Remove duplicates to avoid this issue.

By following these steps and carefully reviewing your VLOOKUP formula and data, you should be able to identify and resolve any issues preventing the function from working correctly in your spreadsheet.

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