How Fix Instagram Insights Not Working – SOLVED

Instagram Insights is a built-in analytics tool that offers various valuable information and statistics about your Instagram account.

The information shown in Instagram Insights is — Account Activity, Content Performance, Audience Insights, Follower Growth, Engagement Metrics, Stories Insights, and a lot more.

Instagram creators, influencers or brands who use Instagram to promote their company or products use Instagram Insights to check the growth of their accounts and performance of their posts.

Based on the result, they plan their strategies accordingly in the future. However, because of some unknown reasons, Instagram Insights has suddenly stopped working for numerous users.

If you are also facing the “Instagram Insights Not Working” problem and looking for its solution then look no further.

In this guide, we will explain some effective methods that can be used to resolve the “Instagram Insights Not Working” problem.

What Causes the “Instagram Insights Not Working” Problem?

You must be encountering the “Instagram Insights Not Working” problem because of several reasons.

Here are some of the most common reasons:

  • Account Type: The Instagram Insights feature is only available for Bussines and Creator accounts. If you have a personal account then won’t be able to use the Instagram Insights tool to analyze account performance.
  • Profile Setup: In order to use the Instagram Insights feature, you have to setup your account as a business or creator account properly. Also, link your account with Facebook and provide the necessary information otherwise you would not able to use the Instagram Insight feature.
  • Account Eligibility: To access the Insight feature on Instagram, you need to fulfil its requirements which include a minimum number of followers and other parameters. For more information, you can visit the official Instagram website.
  • App Updates: The IG Insight feature is not available in every version of the Instagram App. It is possible that you are experiencing the “Instagram Insights Not Working” problem you are using the older version of the app which is not compatible with this feature.

These are some possible reasons that may cause the “Instagram Insights Not Working” problem.

How to Fix the “Instagram Insights Not Working” Problem

Here are some easy methods that you can use to fix the “Instagram Insights Not Working” problem.

Method 1: Switch to Bussiness or Creator Account

As we mentioned above, the Instagram Insight feature is only available in businesses and creators’ accounts.

If you have a personal account then you would not be able to use the Instagram Insight feature. To use this feature, you need to switch to Bussiness or Creator account.

Follow the steps written below to switch to a business or creator account:

  • Open the Instagram app on your mobile phone.
  • Click on the Profile icon from the bottom right corner of your screen.
  • Once you are on your profile page, click on Three Horizontal Lines at the top right corner to open the menu.
  • Under the menu tap on Settings and Privacy option.
Instagram Insights Not Working
  • Under the Settings and Privacy option, select the Account type and tools and then select Switch to a professional account.
Instagram Insights Not Working
  • Now, follow the onscreen instructions to switch your personal account to a business account.
  • That’s it.

Method 2: Check Your Internet Connection

It is possible that Instagram does not show Insight because you have issues with your internet connection.

In that case, you need to check your internet connection. For that, you can use the internet speed testers available on the internet to test your internet connectivity.

These testers will give you all information about your internet. After testing, if you find an unstable or poor internet connection then you can fix it by simply restarting your WIFI router.

If restarting your router doesn’t work then you can contact your internet service provider and ask them to resolve your problem.

Method 3: Update Your Instagram App

If you are using the old version of the Instagram app then you can update your Instagram app to fix the “Instagram Insights Not Working” problem.

Sometimes users face issues because of bugs and glitches available in the app that can be fixed by simply updating the app.

So, update your Instagram app from the Google PlayStore if you are an Android user or from App Store if you are an iPhone user.

Method 4: Reinstall the Instagram App

If you have tried all three methods but still facing the “Instagram Insights Not Working” problem then the next thing you need to try is to uninstall or reinstall the Instagram app.

This reinstalling process will resolve all missing or corrupted installation file-related problems and improper installation.

Method 5: Contact Instagram Support

If none of the above-mentioned methods work for you then contact Instagram Support or Instagram Help Center and report your problem.

Provide them with all information about the problem you are facing and follow the instructions provided by the support team.

That’s all, we hope this guide helped you fix the “Instagram Insights Not Working” problem.

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