Codex iOS v2.569: How to Download And Install (February 2025)

Do you want to download and install Codex iOS? If your answer is YES, you are in the right place.

There are tons of different executors available on the internet that users download and use to exploit their favorite Roblox games. 

Some of these executors are compatible with Windows whereas some of them are only used on mobile devices. 

Codex is an executor that is compatible with both Windows and mobile devices. 

However, if you are looking to download and install the Codex Executor on iOS, look no further as we have you covered. 

In this guide, we will show you how to download and install Codex iOS. 

So, without any further ado let’s get started: 

What is Codex Executor? 

Codex Executor is an application that allows users to inject customized scripts and exploit any game on Roblox. 

This executor is initially available for Android devices but now you can download and use Codex on iOS devices as well. 

This is one of the best executors that supports a wide range of scripts and is capable of exploiting almost every game on Roblox. 

However, unlike Android devices, downloading and installing the Codex Executor on iOS is a little bit complicated. 

You can not download and install this executor directly on your iOS device. 

To download and install the Codex Executor on iOS you need to use third-party applications such as ESign, Scarlet, and Sideloadly. 

If you want to download and install the Codex Executor on an iOS device, then you can do it using the steps mentioned below. 

How to Download and Install Codex iOS? 

As I mentioned above, to install the Codex Executor on an iOS device you need to use a third-party application.

Below, we have mentioned steps to download and install the Codex iOS using Esign and Scarlet. 

Install Codex Executor on iOS Using ESign

Before you start installing the Codex Executor on your iOS device the first thing you need to do is download the Codex Executor file. 

To download the Codex Executor file use the link mentioned below:

Once you click on this link it will redirect you to the MediaFire page where you can get the Download option to download the Codex Executor files. 

Once you successfully download the Codex Executor file, use the steps written below to install it on your iOS device using ESign. 

  • First, you need to download and install the ESign app
  • To do so, go to the App Store and search for the ESign app. 
  • Once you find the app, click on the “Get” option. 
  • Wait for the downloading and installing process to be completed. 
  • Once done, open the ESign app. 
  • Then click on the Three Dots at the top right corner and select “Import” from the menu. 
Codex iOS

image source: YouTube

  • Now, navigate to the download location and select the Codex iOS Executor file. 
  • Once you select the file, a pop-up will appear where to tap on “Import”
  • After importing the file, tap on the Payload folder.
  • Then, select the Roblox app and tap “Signature”.
Codex iOS

image source: YouTube

  • On the next window, tap on “Signature” again.
  • Now, wait for all the packages to be installed. 
  • Once done, tap “Install” to start installing the Codex iOS file. 
Codex iOS

image source: YouTube

  • After installing the Codex iOS Executor, open it and complete the setup.
  • Next, open the Roblox app and then launch the game you want to exploit. 
  • Now, tap on the Codex iOS icon and enter the script. 
  • Select “Execute” and enjoy exploiting the game.
  • That’s it. 

Install Codex Executor on iOS Using Scarlet

If you want to install Codex iOS using the Scarlet app then use the steps mentioned below. 

  • First, download the CodeX iOS file by using the link mentioned above.
  • After that, go to the App Store and download the Scarlet app.
  • Once the downloading process is completed, launch the Scarlet app. 
  • Now, click on the Download icon located in the middle. 
  • Then, go to the Download folder and then select the Codex iOS file that you just downloaded. 
  • This will import the file into the Scarlet app. 
  • After that, click on the Codex iOS file, and a pop-up will appear.
  • From this pop-up select the “Install” button.
  • Wait for the installation process to be completed. 
  • Once the installation is completed, launch the Roblox app and start exploiting your favorite game.
  • That’s it.

This is all you need to know about how to download and install Codex iOS. 

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